Wing Leung

About Wing Leung
Wing is an experienced financial derivatives professional. After beginning his career in fixed income, he moved to foreign exchange, then equity indexes, then to commodities, and is now currently trading in the Crude Whole of Barrel Energy space.
Wing considers the formative events of his career to have been the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant disaster in 2011, the unpegging of the Swiss franc from the Euro in 2015, and the coordinated rate cut of 2008.
Latest 10 Articles
- which forex robot is the most profitable?
- 08/27/2013 14:21
Are you thinking about using a Forex robot? Unsure how to choose the best Forex robot that will work for you? In this article, I look at the pros and cons of Forex robots, outline the criteria for judging Forex robots when picking one, and show you one of the best places to find Forex robots. Forex robots cannot do everything a human trader can do, but they can do some things much better. For this reason, every trader should consider carefully whether their type and style of trading could benefit from being either aided or even executed by a Forex robot.